Community Health Evangelism

Our goal is to form healthy Christian lives, congregations and communities by serving the poor in Hungary.

MEK Hungary Begins a New Partnership in Gödöllő

A vision was given by God to Sándor Kovács: to mobilize the Church to transform the poor communities in Romania and Hungary by the mighty power of God and His Word. His willing church in Gödöllő, Hungary struggled for many years, without much success, to see this vision realized.

Two years ago, Sándor shared his unfulfilled vision-burden for the poor and unreached of his city with Ibolya Palinkás, a quiet, small lady with great energy from God. Ibolya, who now serves on the Board of MEK Hungary, suggested that Sándor contact MEK Hungary Staff Member Feri Oláh and learn about Community Health Evangelism (CHE).

When Sándor and the leadership of his church heard the CHE strategy of MEK Hungary from Feri and MEK Director, Laci Daróczi-Csuhai, two visions meshed. From it’s very start in 2013, MEK has been on a mission, not only to begin CHE programs in impoverished Hungarian villages, but to mobilize, train and equip Hungarian churches to do the same.

From the left: Attila Kovacs, Laszlo Daroczi-Csuhai, Ferenc Olah, Andras Simon, Levente Lőrik

If you would like to know more about this news, please contact us!