Community Health Evangelism

Our goal is to form healthy Christian lives, congregations and communities by serving the poor in Hungary.

About us

Community Health Evangelism is a network that the MEK Foundation is a member of. This network has been continuously built and expanded for more than 30 years. It is already present in more than 3,000 communities in nearly 140 countries worldwide and conducts successful community development programs. It’s not a stand-alone mission, CHE or MEK, is a strategy, a tool that can be used by others.

It began in 2012. Ron and Jeannie Seck, whom God has always brought back to Hungary for years, have been researching the way or means by which they can effectively help our society. In 2013, the “Community Health Evangelism Hungary Non-Profit Public Benefit Foundation” was established. Our mission organization is constantly expanding. Due to our independence of denomination and organization, we operate in a partner relationship system. We partner with nearly a hundred congregations and mission organizations.

A process began with some brave acquaintances who were ready to serve. In 2013, we measured and mapped thirty settlements to find the most suitable location. Since our inception, we have launched various evangelistic programs that reshape life in more than thirty communities. We believe there is an answer to all this in the Bible, the written word of God. Our lives are not just spiritual or just physical. Countless combinations of these areas characterize our lives. After our relationship with God is restored, there will be recovery in the realms of life, and we must strive, as Jesus Christ says in Matthew 5:48, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” In our programs, we focus on exploring real physical needs and developing evangelistic programs together with those who are living in communities, that lead to conversion and change of their life. We know and are convinced that neither our team, nor our organization, nor our programs will bring change, but only the grace and love of our Lord and Father.

Some thoughts from our founder Ron Seck

We founded CHE Hungary in 2013 as an NGO with a God-given mission to give impoverished and marginalized Hungarian-speaking peoples an opportunity to live a better, healthier, more prosperous life through Jesus Christ, our Creator. This opportunity would not come in the form of giving needy people aid such as money, food, clothes and improved shelter. History showed us that this produced dependency rather than better life. The opportunity we would give them would be in the form of empowerment and the tools, skills, training and know-how to bring about the better life themselves.

We also saw that what is missing in many government and secular programs to help the needy is the spiritual dimension that is at the core of every life. To break the cycle of generational poverty required ongoing transformation of the whole person, body, soul and spirit.

This is not merely theory. It has been modeled for 3 decades in over 135 nations by 900 churches, denominations and mission organizations that utilize a Biblically based strategy called Community Health Evangelism. Our NGO, called CHE Hungary (or MEK Magyarország in Hungarian), adopted CHE as our strategy for realizing God’s vision at our beginning.

It is also our mission to change the paradigm of Christian ministries working long-term with the poor in Hungary from secular aid-based methods to the more Biblical development-driven approach. This can be accomplished through providing CHE Vision Seminars and modular CHE training conferences to all who wish to explore this methodology.

As you view the various pages of our webpage you will see how CHE Hungary has begun to “write the book” on wholistic, Bible-based personal and community transformation among the poorest of the poor of this nation. We hope you will read and join us in bringing this movement to scale.

Ron Seck

Founder of CHE Hungary

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