Sandi Ellis Temesvary

I’m Sandi Ellis Temesvary. I felt God’s calling on my life at a young age. When I was 18, I spent my first summer in missions. In 1999 I moved overseas and began serving the Lord full-time. I have lived in and served the Lord in Hungary since 2003. My service has included children’s clubs, summer camps, evangelistic campaigns, in-home visitation, Bible studies, training local workers, teaching English, office administration and bookkeeping. The focus of my service has been toward the Roma population in Hungary. My two adopted children, Katrin and Jozsi, are both of Roma descent.
I had the privilege of being a part of the team that began CHE work in Hungary and established CHE Hungary. I served as a member of the original board of CHE Hungary, have assisted with training and translation, have taken the CHE TOT1, TOT2 and TOT3 training programs and am currently serving on the CHE Hungary team as administrator, treasurer, projects monitor, a community outreach development worker and a trainer.
I love people and have a passion for seeing God’s love transform their lives. My true strengths are in organization and administration, which are skills that help me in my work with the CHE Hungary team
In the past decade I have suffered hardship and experienced God’s guidance and love in my life as never before. I believe He is going to use my growth and what I have learned to reach many for His kingdom. I am excited for the future, to see and experience all that He has prepared for me and those I serve.
“but I came to give life – life in all its fullness.” – John 10:10b (NCV)